Misaviv Yehom HaSa’ar - Song of The Palmach

The content in this channel by it’s very nature draws political extremists from both sides of the political spectrum. I have no interest in appealing to Far-Right Jews, Fascists, or Anti-Semites The Palmach (Short for “Plugot HaMachatz“ - The Strike Companies) Were the elite units of the Socialist Haganah forces from 1941 - 1948 During the early days of the Haganah, nearly all of it’s efforts were focused on defending Jewish communities, and no professional fighting force was available. With a real threat of Axis invasion into Mandatory Palestine, Britain briefly agreed to fund the formation of an independent Jewish fighting force to fight against the Nazis - causing the formation of the Palmach. As the Axis was driven back, and British support for the Yishuv was cut. The Haganah was left with a professional underground fighting force - which was then used to conduct sabotage operations against British authorities in an attempt to drive out colonial leadership
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