Billy Meier and UFO Contact from the Pleiades: Interview with Brit Elders

Brit Elders was part of the first US investigatory team that went to visit Billy Meier in Switzerland in 1978 to examine his photos, videos and physical evidence of flying saucer craft that were flying and landing near his home in Switzerland. She and her husband Lee Elders, along with their colleague Thom Welch, accompanied the legendary Lt. Col. Wendelle Stevens to Meier’s home where they interviewed Meier, heard first-hand about his extraordinary contact experiences, and were given extensive physical evidence for their investigation. The results of their investigation was that Meier was genuinely interacting with off-world visitors from at least 1975. In 1979, the Elders and Welch co-authored the first book about Meier called UFO Contact from the Pleiades, which has just been re-released in a 45th Anniversary Edition. In it, they show dozens of high-quality photos Meier gave them along with the results of the scientific investigation of a metal sample from one of the Pleiadian spacecraft conducted b
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