Dudinskaya & Sergeyev - Raymonda excerpts (1948)

Kirov Ballet’s great couple, Natalia Dudinskaya (1912-2003) and Konstantin Sergeyev (1910-1992), were captured in this precious film excerpt of Raymonda. K. Sergeyev’s 1948 revised version based on the original choreography by Marius Petipa has been the standard text for most of the productions of Raymonda since. This video is a rip from a VHS copy I had for years. 키로프 발레단의 전설적인 커플 나탈리아 두딘스카야 (1912-2003)와 그의 남편 콘스탄틴 세르게예프 (1910-1992) 의 레이몬다 발레입니다. 1948년 찍음
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