1984-08-19 about music (after Shri Krishna Puja, New Jersey, USA)

...tremendous, you are a great singer. Isn’t he? He’s going to be a great man one day, you will see. I hope you don’t forget me. Tremendous, he is tremendous, I tell you. He’s tremendous, he’s tremendous. I’m surprised, how is it, hiding himself. In this country, you may not be understood so much as maybe in England, or something. I don’t know, here there’s a big competition I think. But you are great, really you are great, can do very well. Your voice, I mean, tremendous. That’s a special gift to you people, isn’t it, from God, don’t you think so? What voice there is, isn’t it? They’re very gentle in their movement of the slide, just the, the whole thing is that God gives, see, particular things to particular type people and it’s so great. It’s tremendous. We have one girl called Rachael in Birmingham. She also sings very well. But she doesn’t have this steadiness, this system properly built up as here. It’s tremendous, it’s tremendous. I’m sure you will bring a big name to Sahaja yoga one day. I’m very sure. Now, I want to know, did he improve in his voice after coming to Sahaja yoga. Same with Christine, you know? Christine never used to sing so well, her voice has become so melodious. And I asked her, “How is it you have started singing so well?“ She said, “This is after Sahaja yoga.“ Suddenly her voice -- isn’t it Christine? -- and become so sweet. It’s so beautiful. So that’s what Sahaja yoga is going to give you. That’s great, isn’t it? Great. May God bless you. How are you? What’s the matter? Why are you crying all the time? You never used to cry before. I have seen you twice crying. Why? What’s the problem? I know. It was beautiful. It’s beautiful. What happened, Andrea? You also wanted to sing? They are all going to be great musicians, great. Promises so many things, isn’t it? One thing I told you that, this western world is really enamored by music. Sahaja yoga, if you have to spread, you must work out. I have told Steve so many times, “Steve you have to work out some compositions, just work it out.“ He said, “Jazz, alright.“ Jazz is alright whatever it is but you work it out, It’s important, we must have a stage. Otherwise, without music, you see, we have to have books, we have to have music. These two things are very important. Unless and until that happens, we cannot really establish ourselves in a big way. So music must be worked out. And see, we have voices, alright. Yeah, poetry, poems, you see should be sent, and should be composed, and we have in London also, some people who can do it. He sings also very well. What is his name is, Pedro. Patricia very good at piano, yeah we have all these people and we should be able to manage something together, some sort of a coordinated thing we should have a music concert or something for people which will create a kind of a very universal appeal. We should work it out. On this line, I would suggest that Alexander has definitely taken some steps about it. He wanted David Chaudry to come and help them. David Chaudry is one of the musicians who is a Indian musician, but he can help you. He has guided some people. He has based some ragas, you see, and played in a English manner, into melodies placed into English manner, beautiful. He’ll arrange it. And also I had an idea about this that if I could request my sister to come down here, I mean she can teach you some Indian music to give you that bias, which has a big nose about things. She is rather, she says that, “if some organization invites me, I’ll come,“ and all that. But whatever it is, supposing she agrees to come, then I can send her to America also. She can teach you music here and if you know Indian music you can sing any music because, you see, every note, everything is just put there, how to warble it and how to take it round and how to mix it up and how to combine it. Indian music is very, very vibrant music. Anybody who knows Indian music can sign any song, anywhere in the whole world, there’s no problem, because it is absolutely basics. And that’s what I feel, that if she could agree, or someone like that, who could come and teach you some Indian music for 6 months, you will be settled. And then you can sing whatever you feel like. The voices will open out, throats will open out, it will be very good, it’s a real exercise...
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