Video Credits:
Directed and animated by Rob Shaw
Original Long Legged Larry design by Jeremy Fish
Character designs inspired by the art of Jeremy Fish
Color Corrected by Stephen Lauser
Song Credits:
Written & Produced By Aesop Rock
Long legged Larry was a frog at the pond. Jump so high might miss him while he gone. Jump over anything, even King Kong. Jumping Jack Flash was his favorite song. Now once upon a time there was a cat in a tree, chased a squirrel up, been stuck since 3. The fireman came, said “It’s too high for me!”. How’s that cat gonna ever get free?! Young Jack Turner was a staple on the block. Said he knew about a frog with an XL hop. The neighbors started laughing, but Jackie wouldn’t stop. Ran off, came back, guess who he got? Well it was Long Legged Larry - didn’t open his mouth. Like a rocket to the moon through a cumulus cloud. Touch down safe, lay the scaredy-cat on the ground. If you listen real close you can still hear the crowd...
Go Larry, Go Larry, Go Go Go Larry
Go Larry, Go Larry, Go, Go, Go, Go, Go
Larry doesn’t care. Jump so high grow a beard in the air. Jump over anything, even Times Square, yelling “Long Legged Larry for mayor!, Here! Here!” Now once upon a time there was a princess in a cell, in the tower of a castle, through a forest on a hill. Half the men that ever sought her out had fallen ill. All the men that ever tried to climb the wall had fell. Handful gather at the base of the place. Each claim way braver than the bravest you’ve faced. Bunch of dingbats yapping about saving the day. But wait, a silhouetted amphibian face in haze…Well It was Long Legged Larry on the back of a steed. Leapt up yelling “Jordan!” Kiss the girl on the cheek. Touch down safe, show the lady back to her peeps. If you listen real close you can still hear the streets…
Go Larry, Go Larry, Go Go Go Larry
Go Larry, Go Larry, Go, Go, Go, Go, Go
Larry’s on the case. Jump so high pluck a star out of space. Jump over anything, even Salt Lake. Jump into the mosh pit, jump out of a cake. Now once upon a time there was a circus in town. Some went for the cotton candy, some for the clowns, but the high wire act was the most profound, had a poodle on a unicycle, rose in her mouth. 10 o’clock show get the poodle in position. 10 seconds in the unicycle starts tipping. Now the poodle barely clinging to the wire by her mittens, but what the heck is that thing in the distance? Ribbit! Long Legged Larry, a sight for sore eyes. Known to give a dog a ride seconds after he arrives. Touch down safe, give her some kibbles and rawhide. If you listen real close, you can still hear the vibe…
Go Larry, Go Larry, Go Go Go Larry
Go Larry, Go Larry, Go, Go, Go, Go, Go
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