Today, we are going to figure out how to one shot A LOT of people with the mage spell Touch of the Magi!
Special thanks to all my Patreon supporters, appreciate you all!
Deathness - BleedingHollow (US Servers)
Icorian - Frostmane (EU Servers)
Kiteflyer - Elune (US Servers)
Tailsnapper - GrimBatol (EU Servers)
Arrazy - Stormscale (EU Servers)
Lightfang - Elune (US Servers)
Archâon - Moonguard (US Servers)
Jakmage - Ragnaros (EU Servers)
Aegîs - Ravencrest (EU Servers)
Plantagenant - Bladefist (US Servers)
Héliejah - Elune (EU Servers)
Ecoplex - EmeraldDream (US Servers)
Sankir - E
...meraldDream (US Servers)
Darthmarva - Blackmoore (EU Servers)
Elyora - BurningBlade(EU Servers)
Special thanks to Lillekatta, the best thumbnail maker!
The whole investigation started with Ipanic sending me a picture he found of someone being one sShow more