Topics Shooting of 1938
In 1938, electroshock therapy was proposed as a method of getting rid of schizophrenia. This procedure is aimed at helping patients who suffer and some other mental illnesses. Years later, it turned out that this method of treatment is not effective in the case of schizophrenia, but it gives good results in the treatment of depression. Some physicians argue that this method of getting rid of such mental disorders is most effective, since approximately 75% of patients have received the cured cure for the symptoms of their illness.
Electroconvulsive therapy - a current of varying strength is passed through the patient’s brain - from 200 to 1600 milliamperes. Its voltage ranges from 70 volts to 400. The duration of exposure does not exceed several seconds, often limited to fractions of seconds. These impulses provoke convulsions. But it is worth noting that the delivered dose of tension is individual, depending on the patient’s susceptibility. A session is considered successful if the seizure itself has a duration of up to 25 seconds.
Indications for therapy There are many conditions in which it is suggested to conduct a course of this treatment. But only four types of mental disorders are prescribed, in which the procedure of electroconvulsive therapy is appointed in an emergency. These include: Depression, during which an inordinate desire for suicide and the desire to injure themselves are revealed. Febrile catatonia. Conditions in which the patient stubbornly refuses to take water or food. Malignant neuroleptic syndrome. But there are other indications in which electroconvulsive therapy may be recommended, but in these cases the procedures will be conducted in a planned manner. In addition, this method of treatment is used not only in psychiatry, but also in narcological and neurological areas (for example, with epilepsy, pain syndromes).
Electroconvulsive therapy is most commonly used for depression. It is established that this disease occurs because of a hyperactive signal exchange between different parts of the brain. Therefore, the goal of the treating doctor should be to break these ties and restore normal exchange. It is believed that it is convulsions caused by electrical impulses that reduce the number of hyperactive links between brain regions that are responsible for mood, concentration and thinking.
In addition, contrary to the popular belief that electroconvulsive therapy in psychiatry is mandatory, the procedure is started only with the consent of the treating party. The patient must personally take this decision and sign a special form. But sometimes a person’s mental state is extremely difficult, and he is not able to give his answer. In this case, a close relative or guardian can agree to the procedure. But in order for the decision to be legal, a council of doctors is going to give their opinion.
Frequency of procedures It is known that electroconvulsive therapy in psychiatry is conducted in a whole course, which includes several sessions. Their frequency varies depending on the country and the clinic where the treatment is performed. Usually, the patient is given two or three sessions per week. The average duration of the course is four weeks. Some patients improve much earlier, and sometimes only two weeks are enough. Sometimes improvement does not occur even after 20 times of therapy. But it is noticed, if the first 12 sessions did not move the state from the dead point, then further treatment by this method will be unsuccessful.
In connection with a number of side effects, the question may arise in which cases electroconvulsive therapy is unacceptable. Strangely enough, doctors do not call absolute contraindications for this method of treatment. Although many doctors try to be cautious, because there are conditions of the patient, in which these procedures can lead to the death of the patient.
Electroshock (ESh) or эlektroshokovaya therapy (ЭSHT) - method psyhyatrycheskoho and nevrolohycheskoho of treatment, with as many epileptiform Bolshoi sudorozhnыy fit vыzыvaetsya propuskanyem electric conductors because of the Main brain patsyenta with a view achievement of therapeutic effect.
On the day sehodnyashnyy EST chashche Total yspolzuetsya of treatment for tyazhёlыh depressyy at kotorыh okazalys neэffektyvnы Other methods of treatment, and at katatonyy Sometimes (less frequently) in the Treatment yspolzuetsya manyakalnoho syndrome (Total chashche within bypolyarnoho affective disorder) and second states. Side effects are a significant risk of memory loss. According mezhdunarodnыm the requirements, it is necessary Getting literate patsyenta consent to ECT. #медфильм Вместо донатов
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