Daniel Lentz - Apologetica

The final, self-titled track off of Daniel Lentz’ album, Apologetica. Performed by I Cantori and the Archbishop’s Ensemble, with Bradford Ellis on keyboard. Released in 1997, this choral song cycle primarily uses modern texts (some written by the composer) based on Maya writings of the prophet Balam, fortelling of strangers from the East who would come bringing new religion to the Maya. The first 13 tracks try to portray the mindset of the Europeans as they sail into the lives of the aboriginal Americans. This track draws from a different text, from the 1542 book “The Tears of the Indians“ written by the Protector of the Indians, Fray Bartoleme de las Casas, a Spanish Bishop. “Apologetica“ Oceans between the new world and the old could not drown the tears of the Indians. The ones who brought their foreign gods left land and lives and souls to whither. Stolen treasures-- gold and silver, pearls and feathers lapped at foreign shore
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