You won’t Believe How The USA Is Creating secret Bioweapons Weapons In Africa.

#africanews #africa #bioweapons At one point or the other, we have all watched movies where a country in the name of protecting national interest, engages in biological research that would lead to the creation of bioweapons, and at the end of the day, it’s either the bioweapon is at a risk of falling into the wrong hands or a mistake in the lab would lead to the spread of the bioweapon which could be a virus or a pathogen and thereby endangering innocent people who do not know what is going on. And when the citizens are infected with the virus, the government would be trying to cover up their mistakes. Now, one thing that would probably go through everybody’s mind is why would a government engage in researching and creating something that is dangerous not just to its citizens but to citizens across the world. Which national interest are they protecting? Well, one country that needs to answer this question is the USA. Now, if the USA had all its bio-labs in its country, then that wouldn’t be our business but research has shown that the USA is the only country in the world that has bio-labs in all the regions of the world, including Africa. In fact, it is reported that the US has over 30 biolabs in Africa and over 400 across the globe. Can you imagine that? 400 bio-labs. Why do they need so many bio-labs in Africa? What are they researching in these labs and how come African governments allow the US to set up so many bio-labs across the continent? These are questions that need to be answered.
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