Jack Tramiel & the Atari PC2, PC3, PC4 (Mitac) & PC5 - Atari’s line of IBM compatibles explained

In this 2nd chapter, we dive into the complete history of the Atari PC line of computers. After the PC1, Jack focussed on expandability and ... power without the price! #Atari #AtariPC #AtariPC1 #AtariPC2 #AtariPC3 #AtariPC4 #AtariPC5 #MITAC #JackTramiel #NEAT #AmericanMegatrends #Intel #AMD #GEM #Windows3.0 #Commodore #MSDOS 00:00 Intro - Atari and IBM 01:15 Atari PC2 - Atari’s Fasttrack to Redemption 04:52 Atari PC3 - The XT Resurrection 07:10 NEAT - Atari’s Gamble in Reverse Engineering 09:43 Mitac - Atari’s Mistery Rebrand 11:24 Atari PC4 - Configured for Greatness 14:40 Atari PC5 - Atari’s Mainboard Shift 17:02 Ending - Leonard Tramiel I’m eternally grateful to Jeff Fulton ( @IntoTheVerticalBlank ) for the incredible narration. Thank you for all your efforts! And ctrl-alt-rees ( @ctrlaltrees ) for being a wonderful Leonard Tramiel. Finally, Olav Pawlenko for all the help and /|\ friendship. Thanks so much. M
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