Paul LeMay on Disclosure from Various Extraterrestrial Perspectives - Part 1 of 2
Part 1 of 2. Paul LeMay covers the ET perspectives of:
Valiant Thor
The Council of 9
The Ra Teachings with the Law of One
We The Arcturians at 30:00
The Pleiadians with the girl Marie Swaruu at Cosmic Agency at
Jeff Selver
Disclosure from various Extra-terrestrial perspectives.
At 12:00 Paul talks about how the Council of 9 influence Gene Roddenberry in the creation of Star Trek. A side note is that the Council of 9 through Eric Huysmans was the original inspiration for University Galacticus, which is kind of like Star Trek in real life.
At 45:00 he talks about a base 12 system that can solve engineering problems that our base 10 system can’t.
I have known Paul since 2015, here in Vancouver, Canada. Paul is the most intelligent fellow in our ongoing Brian Ruhe Show group, which meets in person. So wonderful for me, as the new Meetup Organizer of Preparing for ET Contact, to have the honour and fun to host Paul! Our past Organizer, Nancy, has many responsibilities so she asked me to switch roles with her.
Description: When it comes to UFO-logy, the range of topics one can consider is vast. Among the many topics out there is disclosure. Normally, when we hear the word, many of us tend to think about how governments worldwide, with rare exception, have generally engaged in concealment and misdirection when it comes to officially acknowledging any involvement with advanced off-world civilizations. Indeed, many people seem to feel as though the reality of off-world civilizations will only become widely accepted by society when verifiably “real“ information is released by government officials or agencies. This highly dubious standard has created an unnecessary “cultural bottleneck“. While having open access to tangible physical pieces of evidence, akin to what Bob Lazar claims to possess, would be ideal to be sure, our society’s excessive penchant for relying on governments for “trusted“ official documentation, may well be a fool’s errand if only for the fact that it plays directly into the hands of governments who are in possession of such information. So what are folks to do?
Enter the end run. For many years now, people from various walks of life have, in one form or another, reported encounters with benevolent members of stellar civilizations without any involvement or participation with governments.
Among these encounters have been: (1) Stranger at the Pentagon as reported by Dr. Frank E. Stranges*; (2) Outwitting Tomorrow by Valiant Thor with the help of Frank E. Stranges (2000); (3) Gene Roddenberry’s behind-the-scenes secretive contacts with the Council of Nine, which formed the basis of the Star Trek narrative and franchise; (5) We, the Arcturians (A True Experience) channeled by Dr. Norma J. Milanovich, with the help of Betty Rice and Cynthia Ploski (1990); (6) Cosmic Agency, hosted by Gosia** and Taygetan Pleiadean Minerva Mari Swaruu***; and (7) The Rising by Jeff Selver (2024).
Each of these sources has made an effort to lay out information and perspectives provided by technologically advanced celestial races with the intent of empowering humans with greater awareness so they might make wiser personal, social and political choices as they live their lives. Given this fact, I believe it behooves serious UFO-logy investigators to consider the merits of the contents of this information.
Bio: Paul H. LeMay. As an independent science writer with an academic background in psychology, I co-authored two non-fiction books with a university teaching hospital psychiatrist on the victimization process. I have long been fascinated by the study of consciousness, and throughout the 1990s, I embarked on a considerable amount of independent study of eastern philosophy and meditative practice. Although I was a longtime fan of Star Trek, I only began to consider the possibility of extra-terrestrial beings in our midst after being coaxed by friends to attend several UFO conferences in British Columbia, where I had an opportunity to hear first hand testimonials from experiencers, as well as well-researched presentations from longstanding UFO investigators, such as Richard Dolan and Grant Cameron. Then in February 2015, I saw a UFO. After personally witnessing such an event, I began to engage in much more serious reading on the topic, and owing to my longstanding interest in psychological processes, I am fascinated about why some people are more open to accepting the reality of extra-terrestrials in human affairs, while others are not.
* Link to view Gaia interview on the topic:
** Link to Cosmic Agency library on the Odysee player platform: @CosmicAgency:c?view=content
*** Link to Mari Swaruu on YouTube: @SwaruuOficial Sample report for March 6, 2024:
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