Corroboration Between Two E.T. Authors

Judy Carroll joined me after she read Jeff Selver’s book, “THE RISING - THE ALIEN PLAN TO BUILD AN ENLIGHTENED CITY ON PLANET EARTH“. We have both read it. Jeff’s website is and you can order the book there. 1:46 - Brian begins by showing 7 minutes of a clip by Jeff Selver, entitled: When Will Humans Gain the Consciousness Abilities of Grey Aliens? 6:55 - Judy explains how our physical appearance is just an outer form. Our real form is that of an energy orb. 9:44 - Like Jeff, Judy was advised by the Greys to learn to meditate in order to assist communication. Both Jeff and Judy were also advised to learn Tai Chi. 12:16 - In his book, Jeff talks about taking on Grey form. Judy tells of seeing herself shape-shift in front of a mirror. 14:04 - Discussing author Courtney Brown’s books, Cosmic Voyage and Cosmic Explorer, in which he describes connecting with the Greys through Remote Viewing. 15:50 - Judy describes experiences of visiting people at night in her Grey form, and the proof she’s been given of the reality of this. 21:15 - Understanding our own spirituality, on p15 of Jeff’s book, The Rising. 23:15 - P37 - humans with a percentage of Grey DNA. 26:12 - P59 - Greys being humanities’ Agents of Change. 28:00 Judy explains how some Greys originated on Earth as the Ant people. 35:07 - P60 of Jeff’s book - The Greys’ full understanding of spirituality and dimensionality. To quote: “They accentuate certain aspects of biological forms to express specific spiritual consciousness perceptions and/or abilities. 38:26 - On p123 Jeff discusses Mary Rodwell’s work with Star Seeds. This book is entitled The New Human: Awakening to our Cosmic Heritage. It contains information on the activation of more DNA. 43:50 - P123 - Jeff talks about Dr. William Brown, and how DNA molecules influence the sentient activity of the brain. 44:29 - Judy shows an illustration of the Quantum Trinity, from her book Cosmic Spirituality. 47:50 - P185 - Quantum Science and a quantum computer that Jeff is shown. 48:39 - P251 - The UFO activity that has occurred at many nuclear missile silos. 55:39 - On P268-9 of his book, Jeff talks about meeting The Ancient One, a very highly evolved Grey Being. 1:03:46 - On p310, Jeff talks about the Gaelic link with the Greys. Judy refers to Betty Andeasson-Luca’s message from the Greys that could be translated from the Gaelic language. Judy quotes from the book, The Rendlesham Enigma, by James Pennistone and Gary Osborn. 1:19:00 -Judy’s experience at a sacred site in the UK. 1:17:02 - Judy talks about the Australian Aboriginal Creator Beings known as the Wandjinas, and how ancient Egyptians came to study spirituality with the Aboriginal people. The Gosford Glyphs. 1:24:25 - The Schumann Resonance. 1:32:08 - P385 - Brain and mind/consciousness are not the same thing. 1:37:14 - On p389 of The Mystic Book that Jeff was given by the Greys, is a very similar message to one Judy was given, which she reads out. Judy made these notes below regarding pages in the book. P12, paragraph 3 - the impossibility of full disclosure. P15 - understanding our own spirituality. P37, paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 - about humans with Grey DNA P59, paragraph 3 - the Greys being humanities’ agents of change P60 - under the heading REFLECTION P122, 2nd paragraph on Mary Rodwell’s work, and the last paragraph on that page, on DNA P123, 3third paragraph - DNA molecules’ influence on the brain and therefore consciousness P251, second paragraph - UFO activity at nuclear missile silos P268/9 - under the heading FULFILLING MY CURIOSITY - meeting the Ancient One P298 - MEETING THE FEDERATION - first paragraph on the Mantid P310 - REFLECTION - the Gaelic link (I’ll read out a message given to Betty Andreasson here, given to her by the Greys, which could be translated from ancient Gaelic). Ps328/329 - the Schumann Resonance (I was able to give Jeff some confirmation and explanation on this) P385 - brain and mind not being the same thing P386 - advice to learn Tai Chi P387 - the aware universe The Mystic Book he quotes from at the end, reminds me a lot of all the messages I’ve received from the greys over many years, and the way Jeff has been drawn to Nature. I can SO relate to that.
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