Harringay, London.
Start of the wrestling fight between Jack Doyle of Ireland and Butch of Estonia. CU. Doyle entering ring, bows to audience. CU. Man looking on. LV. Elevated, start of fight. Butch rushes from corner, grapples with Doyle. CU. Butch grappling with Doyle, lands punch. Doyle goes down. MV. Doyle rises. Butch rushes forward, grabs his leg and throws him, twisting his leg as he hits ground. CU. Doyle as he tries to crawl, pan up to Butch twisting Doyle’s foot. CU. Boxer Freddie Mills looking on. CU. Butch’s foot on Doyle’s face. Doyle falls flat on his back, rises again. CU. Man watching. MV. Doyle moves from corner for second round. Butch charges him. They lean on each other. Doyle strikes opponent and he falls to ground. Doyle walks away leaving Butch picking himself up. Doyle charges him again and strikes opponent with body. They both fall on ground. Doyle rises first, pushes referee out of way and runs to other side of ring. He hits ropes, runs back and charges opponent. CU. Man with mous
4 years ago 00:01:24 2
’gorgeous Gael’ Scores - Without The Lace! (1950)
4 years ago 00:00:38 2
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