Keren Occupied (1941)

Title reads: “Keren Occupied“. Keren (aka Cheren), Eritrea (formerly part of Abyssinia / Ethiopia). Various shots of British snipers at the top of a mountain near Keren. Various L/S from the sniper’s post of shells bursting on a mountain road in the valley. Various shots of British army vehicles being pushed and pulled along the damaged road by the soldiers. Many of the soldiers are Indian. Various shots of a group of soldiers occupying a hut. Once inside they set up a radio set, large loudspeakers and a sign reading “Broadcasting House“. Various shots of Italian soldiers in the streets of Keren. According to the narrator they are deserters surrendering to the British, many are North African. Panning L/S of the town of Keren taken from the surrounding hill. Various shots of British troops entering Keren. C/U of sign reading “Cheren“ above entrance to railway station. Panning shot group of happy looking British soldiers. Note: The mountain stronghold of Keren fell into British hands on
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