The “dishmaster“ and the “dispenser“ - latest in household appliances.
M/S of “film starlet“ Valerie Carlton putting crockery in wire basket. C/U Valerie putting dishes in basket, she picks up basket and exits right. M/S of the dishmaster - an early dishwasher. Valerie puts basket into top loading dishwasher. C/U basket going into unit with other basket placed on top of it, and lid is closed over it. M/S Valerie switching on sink unit. C/U inside unit, dishes being washed.
M/S Valerie taking food scraps from table. Valerie puts scraps into the sink. C/U scraps being tipped into sink. C/U sink hole with crusher inside - the dispenser (waste disposal unit). M/S sink waste pipe, waste is turned to liquid. C/S man running off waste water into basin. He drains off the liquid waste, only small powdery substance remains.
M/S dishmaster, Valerie opens up the washing section and takes out a sparkling clean cup. C/U Valerie examining the cup. She replaces cup and takes out glass. C/U glas