Wales Beat England (1951)

Swansea, Wales. Start of the international rugby match between England and Wales at Swansea. SV. Welsh team running out onto field. GV. Crowd cheering. GV. England kick-off. LV. Tindall (England) with ball, tackled by Forward (Wales). They fall to ground. Ball is passed to Kendall-Carpenter who collects, changes to attack but is downed. General scrimmage and ball goes out to Glyn Davies. He passes to Jack Matthews who runs towards goal. MV. Towards, Matthews scores try, is tackled by Tindall but succeeds in scoring. SV. Crowd. LV. Lewis Jones converts. LV. Crowd cheering. SV. General scrimmage. England man gets ball and passes. LV. England man catching ball, passes outside. Ball is passed again. England man tries to kick but misses. SCU. Three men in the audience watching. MV. Line out and general scrimmage. LV. D. M. Davies passes ball. Ball passed to Malcolm Thomas who runs forward and scores try. SV. Crowd cheering. MV. England’s No 9 Rimmer carrying ball, passes to Kendall-Carpenter, who runs for touc
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