Meath 3-10, Mayo 1-10 (1949)

Full title reads: “All-Ireland Senior Football Semi-Final Meath 3-10, May 1-10 (Exclusive)“. Croke Park, Dublin, Eire, Southern Ireland, Republic of Ireland. Gaelic Football match. LV Crowded stands at Croke Park. Top view crowd. MV Referee throws ball over head for kick off. Caught by Meath player who runs bouncing ball and kicks out of screen LV Elevated Mayo player receives ball and kicks down field Pan with ball as Meath player receives ball and falls to ground. SV Crowd applauding. MV Meath player kicks ball towards the ’canal’ goal. Pan as Mayo player receives. He’s tackled by Meath players but manages to pass ball to No 13 and kicks towards ’canal’ goal. MV Meath goalkeeper runs out and catches ball and kicks upfield. LV Elevated Meath player runs up field with ball dodges Mayo player and kicks ball towards ’railway’ goal. GV Field running after ball towards ’railway’ goal. Meath man shoots. Ball goes wide. Top view crowd. MV Mayo No 3 receives ball passes to No 11 who is tackled by Meath man.
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