Dave Meets Dusty (1946)

Titles read: “DAVE Meets DUSTY“. Location of events unknown, probably somewhere in London. A small boy called Dave stands outside a pet shop window and looks in at a little shaggy dog. The dog looks back and licks the glass between them. Dave goes inside and asks to have a look at the dog. A girl fetches the pup and puts it in Dave’s arms. A lady is at the counter with another assistant and a dog. Dave counts out his savings and finds he hasn’t quite enough to pay for the dog. The woman at the counter says she will pay the balance. Dave decides to call the dog Dusty. He ties a piece of string to Dusty’s collar and walks out of the shop with him (Dusty looks a trifle reluctant to be led). Outside the shop Dave picks up his new dog and gives him a cuddle as he walks down the street. Note: this is the first ’Dave and Dusty’ item ever! See other records for their further adventures. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH PATHÉ TV. IT’S FULL OF GREAT
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