David Irving - History is Politics and ’Free Speech’ Comes With a Price

History is politics. I’ve read many books on WWII, visited many places and museums on the subject over the years and find that many countries have their own version on the subject - conveniently leaving out certain elements and high lighting others. Making history conform to fit the local narrative of a certain political inclination (Soviet Union) or national perspective (Japan, Poland etc.). Growing up in the western side of the Iron Curtain during the Cold War I find that most people not into WWII history have a politically correct and conform picture of the war, in many aspects colored by historians of the time. 20 - 30 years after the end of WWII, along came an historian who spoke and wrote fluent German and gained the trust of the participants on the losing side of the war ie. of the the Germans and Austrians. Publishing non-biased accord of wartime Axis participation 20 - 30 years after the war, ie. after that hundreds of books had been published by non-German speaking authors. To base those publications on facts derived from own relevant research which brings new light on many aspects of the subjects which amends and sometimes contradict already cemented and accepted understandings of the War. As these new facts not always meet or correspond to the narrative of the war up to date or can sometimes be inconvenient information to some parties and politically incorrect in other instances, is painful to all parties: This author will certainly receive critique from the establishment since the new information put forward may contradict the information and published books already put out there. The establishment can or will go to great lengths to miss credit this person and in some cases try to destroy him perceived as a threat to the established narrative that has been put out there to be true - not to be questioned even though not backed up by facts. David Irving is a living proof of this. He has been subject of persecution from the “Traditional Enemies of Free Speech“, Obstructed him from researching, from writing, from publishing what he found to be true from interviews and original manuscripts and documents, dug up from at location research. Contrary to most of his peers he speaks fluent German and had gained the trust of German survivors of the war after having published books on crimes the allies committed against German civilians on a massive scale by deliberately bombing women, children and civilian refugees. His work as given him a unique insight into Germany 1930s and 40s, paralleled by none. Listen to his story as he gives us a very personal portrait of his life in his own words. Many are those who believes Mr. Irving doesn’t deserve the fate that he has been served by the PC-Fascists and Traditional Enemies of Free Speech. Luckily Mr. Irving stands above these forces of evil and remain intact as a human being and his publications will survive them all. // Peter // A reader of David Irving Books, a WWII buff, a Swede and believer in democracy, free speech, a Christian and believer of that all people are born Equal, and that there is only one truth and that it should always be pursued - the lie and false testimony will be revealed in time.
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