Irish Girls Too Good For Belgium (1950)

Full title reads: “Hockey. Irish Girls Too Good For Belgium“. London Road Ground, Dublin, Eire, Southern Ireland, Republic of Ireland. Ireland beat Belgium 4-0 in International Womens hockey match. MV Irish and Belgian womens hockey teams marching onto ground. SV Towards teams marching onto ground. MV People looking on. LV bully off. Ireland, led by Miss Jackson attacking goal to right. SV Belgian No 2 in possession of ball. Irish No 12 tackles pan with ball as she passes team mate, who knocks ball goalwards. MV Belgian goalie saves ball but it rebounds off pads and Miss MacCarroll taps ball into net. Players walk up-field. SV Crowd. MV Belgian No 2 knocking ball up-wing, pan as she passes. MV Belgian No 10 in possession of ball. She passes across to No 5 who runs up-field and passes forward. LV Belgian attack on right wing. Ball is passes across to goal area and it goes out of play. CU Two women looking on. MV Towards Irish attack. No 9 strikes ball towards goal. Belgian goalie dashes out and rebound
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