Personality Meet Kay Cavendish (1945)

Item title reads - Personality meet Kay Cavendish. Location of events unknown. M/S as musician and singer Kay Cavendish walks up to her gate, she is wearing an ENSA (Entertainments National Service Association) uniform and carrying a suitcase, having just returned from entertaining the troops. C/U of her face, M/S as she walks up the path to her cottage, her bull terrier runs out to greet her. M/S as she looks out of her window under the thatched roof. M/S as she emerges, now dressed in civvies, and takes the dog for a walk. Various shots as they set off down the country lane. M/S of her in bed with breakfast tray on her knee, she is studying a sheet of music. She starts to get up. M/S as she sits outside, C/U of her dog. Various shots as she carries on arranging the concert she will be performing, her dog jumps up. M/S of Kay at the piano during her concert, she mentions she has been entertaining overseas, and introduces her song. Various shots as she plays and sings the love song. FILM ID:
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