Commonwealth Agrees To Differ Over China (1950)

Full title reads: “Colombo. Commonwealth Agrees To Differ Over China“. Colombo, Ceylon / Sri Lanka. GV Colombo building and street. SV Towards tram. GV Market place. SV Vendors in market. SV Two Singhalese selling oranges and eating bananas. GV Exterior Senate building in Colombo where conference will take place. SV Conference room windows. VS of leader of Communist China Chairman Mao Tse Tung inspecting troops. VS of boats in harbour in Formosa (Taiwan) off loading supplies for Chinese Nationalist forces. Shots of General Chiang Kai-Shek and Madame Kai-Shek walking down hill. MS of Madame Chiang speaking to camera. ’A few years ago he was exalted for the courage and tenacity of the fight he waged. Now he is pilloried. Russia will never know one day of peace in China. Russia will never own China. China will remain free.’ SV Towards Dakota aircraft flying Indian standard taxiing at Negimbo Airport. CU Girl holding bunch of flowers waiting for Nehru. CU Local person garlanding Jawaharlal Pandit Ne
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