Focus On Aircraft Production (1958)

Full title reads: “Focus On Aircraft Production“. GV Pan fighter planes flying passed in formation. SV Pan the SR53 flying passed at speed. SV Three men looking at the on the ground. SV SR-53 (Saunders-Roe rocket boosted jet). GV Saunders-Roe Princess Flying Boat on the slipway. Angle shot of propellors. LV Flying boat on slipway. CU Huge wheels of the flying boat slowly moving down the slipway. LV Flying boat on the slipway. GV Aircraft workers, pan to general view of flying boat on slipway. SV Pan the Princess flying boat flying passed. GV Pan Swift fighter planes flying passed in formation. Air to air shots of Swift in flight. SV Bristol Brabazon airliner coming into land. SV Lord Brabazon and Mr George Strauss watching plane coming into land. SV Brabazon coming into land. LV Plane touching down. SV Minister of Supply Mr Aubrey Jones. GV Exterior of wind tunnel at Bedford. SV Interior with Mr Jones pressing button to start the motors in the wind tunnel. CU Dynamo turning. GV Inter
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