The Day (1944)

Title reads: “The Day!“. C/U of the communiqué from General Dwight Eisenhower on 6th June 1944 telling of the allied landings in France (D-Day). Flashback: various shots of evacuation of the BEF (British Expeditionary Forces) and Allied Troops at Dunkirk in 1940. Various aerial shots showing D-Day medium bombers dropping bombs on coastal emplacements. Various M/Ss of U.S. troops marching along road (in England) and then boarding landing craft bound for France. We see Winston Churchill making last visit to invasion fleet. Various shots of British and American troops boarding landing craft with their supplies. The smaller craft head out for larger troopships that are anchored off coast. Good view of ships, each has a barrage balloon attached to it. We see the ships crossing the Channel. Speech by Eisenhower forms soundtrack for shots of troops boarding ships: “This is the opening phase of the Campaign. Great battles lie ahead. I call upon all who love freedom to stand by us. Together we sha
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