Mr Churchill On Victory (1942)

Titles read: “MR CHURCHILL ON VICTORY“. London. Various shots of Prime Minister Winston Churchill making a speech at the Lord Mayor’s luncheon in the Mansion House. He talks of our remarkable and definite victory, now that Rommel’s army has been defeated. Cutaways to crowds of people outside Mansion House listening to the speech through loud speakers. Churchill says “Now, this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning“. Laughter from the audience. He asks us to remember the roads of France and Flanders, full of refugees, women and children upon whom such merciless havoc was wreaked. Library footage of refugees in France walking along roads with their belongings. Churchill says although he has a humane disposition, he could not help feeling that what was happening (in desert war) was only justice grimly reclaiming her rights. Brief shots of dead German soldiers in the desert and Nazi crosses over graves. C/U of map of northern Afr
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