The Duke Visits Carlisle (1958)

Full title reads: “The Duke Visits Carlisle“. Carlisle, Cumberland. SV Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh alighting from the royal train at Carlisle, he walks over and shakes hands with the Lord Lt. of Cumberland, Sir Robert Chance and then shakes hands with another official. CU Duke shaking hands with official. SV Duke walking away from the station alone. SV Crowds. SV Mayor, Chancellor Irving Burrow handing the Duke the loyal address. The Duke reads the Queen’s speech. SV Councillors and officials. SV Miss Pauline Farish presenting bouquet, she curtsies. SV Historical procession being led by a man bearing banner headed “Hadrian and the Romans“. Procession with men mounted on horses. SV Procession of men on horseback. CU Children in crowd. GV More of the procession with girls dancing in front and some people carrying sedan chair and they are followed by more dancers and some people carrying a maypole. GV Crowds. GV Soldiers in period dress. CU Officials watching. GV Duke in open car. GV Crowds lining the
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