Synopsis: The world is coming to an end and the earth is a wasteland. Thunderbolt, a killer from an evil organization called “Sirius Boat”, decides to leave and fight for justice. He rescues four girls who were prepared to offer their hearts for the gang boss of the Sirius Boat, and helps them to flee. The boss then sends two forces to hunt for Thunderbolt in an abandoned city in the desert.
导演: 岳松
编剧: 岳松
主演: 岳松 / 陈之辉 / 周开开 / 尹艺臻 / 杨骏 / 李长海 / 姜宝成 / 杨晨露 / 张钿悦 / 高晨
类型: 动作 / 科幻 / 冒险
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