Best AI Motion Capture 2021 - OpenPose vs DeepMotion

This video is sponsored by DeepMotion, check out DeepMotion now for their amazing and practical AI motion capturing service! and this is basically a video comparing FREE and PAID AI motion capture service. I think we lack a lot of insights and comparisons between current SoTA(State of The Art) research and commercial methods. So I decided to take on this sponsorship and make a video about them. In this video, you will learn what you will straight up get the moment when you are greeted by the two of them. There are some bookkeeping stuff that I needed in the video, but I promise it’ll still be pretty informative and I hope you find it helpful! If someone is more proficient at WSL2 or OpenPose, please show us the way to export it to BVH. DM me anywhere and I’ll link your tutorial of your know-how here if it works. OpenPose [GitHub] MocapNET (I kept on saying MotionNET lmao)
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