PETER’S LADDER. St-Petersburg. Voice of the Eastern Gates

I would like to speak on this ladder - levels of faith - starting from minus and going to plus, to infinity. You know that there are no limits to faith, and even more so to love. You can’t say that this is love, you’ve attained the height of the bar. It is impossible to love too much. It doesn’t happen that way. Love reaches into infinity, into eternity. She is eternity itself. We imagine and relate everything to the value of time. For us, infinity is time or space. No! Infinity is love. How do you like this? Eternal, Infinite and Beginningless - this is Love! Just imagine, the air we will breathe in heaven is not air, not oxygen, it is love! We will inhale love and we will drink love. And God Himself is, and His light that emanates from Him is love! You can die from this. I almost died once.
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