祭孔大典 (The Ceremony of Confucius)

祭孔大典 (The Ceremony of Confucius) 台北孔廟始於1879年,並於1939年重建於大龍街。 廟宇的設計是採用傳統的閔式建築。 台北孔廟, the Taipei Confucius Temple was begun in 1879, and re-erected on DaLong Street in 1939. The design of the temple is an example for typical Fujian temple style. This is the main building of Taipei Confucius Temple, called “大成殿(Dachengdian)“. 每年的 9月28日 是教師節,也是「至聖先師」孔子的誕辰紀念。 September 28 is “教師節“, means “Teacher’s Day“, which is celebrated to commemorate the birth of Confucius, “The Ultimate Sage.“ 在這一天,台北孔廟都會舉行
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