Kiko Woiski | Personal Studies | Stacked 4ths

Kiko Woiski | Personal Studies | Stacked 4ths . Continuing my research on these stacked 4ths and how to play them... Big left hand stretches, skipping strings.... It seems like it’s not meant to be played on the bass.... Yet, it sounds so appealing to me.... (= . Another thing that fascinates me is these shapes with so few notes (in this case, root, 4th and 7th). So few notes that you can fit this shape into the IIm7b5 chord, the V7sus4 chord and the Im chord.... Very versatile stuff. . . . – CHECK OUT MY PATREON FOR EXCLUSIVE MUSIC CONTENT! VISIT & FOLLOW: – GEAR: S. Martyn 5 string bass Fender Elite Jazz Bass V Crafter Acoustic Bass Guitar Zaganin Precision Bass @DRHandmadeStringsOfficial Strings @evostraps8020 Straps Dancini Custom Made DI -- #bassguitar #basslove #basslife #bassplayersunited #bassplayer #bassline #bassgear #sbl #scottsbasslessons #notreble #instabass #bassgram #lowend #bassguitarrist #bassguitars #baixo #baixos #basspro #baixonatural #basstheworld #bass #groovehackers #groovehacker #elixirstrings #bassuniversity #bassmusicianmag #baixo_brasil #baixosong #contra_baixo #toquebaixo #davie504 #CharlesBerthoud #avishaicohen
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