“Yuri’s ominous Mental Omega Device engulfs the world with its psychic power.“
MOACP team is now recruiting STORYBOARD, 2D, 3D and RENDER ARTISTS.
If you’d like to participate, contact hanpibaozi@
The Mental Omega Animated Cutscenes Project team are:
@HanpiBaozi / 包子君
- Director, Editor, Planner, Storyboard Artist / 导演 后期剪辑 策划 分镜设计
Brick / 会发光的砖头
- 3D and CG Artist / 模型制作 CG制作
Alex / 紫球CG制作
- 3D and CG Artist / 模型制作 CG制作
hhhh / 不讲武德啪一下
- 3D Artist / 模型制作
- SFX, Music Producer and Voice Actor / 音乐制作 配音
noah / 只喝martini
- Voice Actor / 配音
Visit for further development updates.
#RTS #CommandAndConquer #RedAlert2 #MentalOmega
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