Oxygen deprivation levels from mask-wearing violates OSHA standards Video of a man using an air quality monitor to prove that wearing masks creates unsafe work conditions is going viral as the national debate about masks intensifies in the face of rising coronavirus cases. ... “And I’m gonna test oxygen level under a mask using an OSHA-approved air quality monitor that tests for oxygen levels, hazardous gas levels, LEL, CO, and H3H2, stuff like that.” “OSHA requires 19.5% oxygen to work in a space. Look it up. Normal oxygen level is anywhere from 20 to 21.” He then demonstrates the normal oxygen level without wearing a mask by placing the reading tube near his uncovered mouth, which gave a normal reading. “I’ve got 20.5. That is the oxygen level without the mask,” he says. And then when he make the same test with the mask the oxygen level fall into 17.5 value with hazardish alarm !
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