High Cholesterol is Healthy! [with David Diamond, PhD]

If your doctor has you worried about your high cholesterol and high LDL then you must watch this video. Your doctor is misinformed about this important topic and this could hurt your health. We discuss what the research really shows and how you can use it to teach your doctor. Dr Diamond received his Ph.D. in Biology in from the U.C., Irvine. He is currently a Professor in the Cognitive, Social & Neuroscience Division at the Univ of South Florida. He has over 150 publications, reviews and book chapters. Dr. Diamond has expanded his research to address controversial issues involving cardiovascular disease and nutrition. Dr. Diamond has delivered lectures on-line addressing how the public and healthcare workers have been misinformed about the risk of elevated levels of serum cholesterol and the appearance of substantial benefits of cholesterol lower medications, including statins. --- Research --- https://p
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