7 PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS guaranteed to help you improve!

In this video, I offer 7 PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS that are guaranteed to improve your photography - FACT! Readly - Discover unlimited Magazines & Newspapers all in one app Click the link below and start your free 2-month free trial My name is Gary Gough. I’m a working Professional Photographer for nearly 20 years. My journey however didn’t start there. In 1979 I joined my first camera club sporting my newly purchased Praktika MTL5 35mm film camera. You probably can’t imagine but at the time I thought I was the next big thing, only falling slightly behind David Baily. Oh, the innocents of youth! My illusions of grandeur however were very short-lived. It was a smack in the teeth to learn that just owning a good camera wasn’t enough. I now had to learn to use it properly! Like all disciplines learning to be a good photographer takes time. It takes a lot of patients and hard work. Whilst I like to think I’m a good ph
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