「中国风」三个版本的霍元甲你喜欢哪个?「Chinese traditional dance」Three versions of Huo Yuanjia clips which U like best?

《霍元甲》是由歌手周杰伦演唱的一首歌曲,最近在抖音平台被网友改成舞蹈配乐大受欢迎。霍元甲是与黄飞鸿、叶问等齐名的武林宗师。视频分别来自抖音号:5202Angela5202/wyiyi1212/zhiborizhao   Huo Yuanjia, a song performed by singer Jay Chou, has recently become popular on Douyin after it was turned into a dance soundtrack by netizens. Huo Yuanjia was a martial arts master as famous as Huang Feihong and Ye Wen. Videos come from Douyin ID:5202Angela5202/wyiyi1212/zhiborizhao
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