Psychick Warriors Ov Gaia - Ov Biospheres And Sacred Grooves [HQ]

Psychick Warriors Ov Gaia is a project of the Dutch electronic musician Reinier Brekelmans. Formed in the early ’ 80, they came to light only when they converted to the “ambient house“ scene with the single Exit 23 (1991), strong with a heavy beat and the voice of Timothy Leary that murmurs “return to the source “. Their art progressed with the individual Ov the Maenad (1991), which mixes world-music and techno, and Out Now. The album Ov biospheres And Sacred Grooves (Kk, 1992) was in the ORB’s ambient dance music vein. (The album contains eight tracks distributed over four tracks.) The Challenge (eight minutes) presents a soft techno and veils of African polyrhythms, moved by Bubbles Electronic Linkage (starting at the minute 7:56) omits all the electronics and disintegrates those polyrhythms in the long wasteland of scattered noises of the Tides (starting at the minute 12:15). Anathema Ov Jean Jacques Derrillard (first song of the third track, about seven minutes) is instead a grubbing concert of subliminal music for noises, “treated“ sounds and electronic buzz, from which the second part of the Challenge (at seventh minute) takes body, a kind of psychedelic soul deconstructed in a cubist manner, and then the Key (to the minute 14:17), a sort of paleohistorical Lambada, and finally the exuberant Batucada of New Edge Mantra (retail 20:36). The last track is a remix of eleven minutes of the single Exit 23. The album was taken from the monumental single obsidian (20 minutes), which was inspired by the first Klaus Schulze and the ambient music of Brian Eno. On the album is the second track (i.e. the fourth track), lasts only seven minutes and resumes the “African“ techno with an electronic melody string. source: “We eat her, we shit her, we drink her, we piss her, we breathe her. in and out. she carried us in her womb over the ages and brought us into being. She is the source ov life. The unique opportunity we have chosen to refuse, preferring our seemingly comfortable sleep at the expense ov Her and millions ov others. it is Time to remember. She is us, we are her, flesh and blood. our bodies contain the information, the knowledge ov the entire evolution. cut from our roots, separated from each other, longing. sweat-covered bodies fill the dancefloor. the uprising body breaks through the thin layers called consciousness and culture. for a while we loose control catching a glimpse ov the unspeakable. a sense ov harmony, ov freedom. let’s do something with this and re-establish the connection. for it is worth the struggle. it is the challenge, the only thing we’ve really got. let’s not waste our time, but explore and enjoy, experience and learn...“ bobby reiner
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