The US did NOT back a ceasefire, they’re just trying to avoid blame.
UN Security Council ceasefire vetoers the US have put forward a resolution of their wasn’t a ceasefire either & got vetoed!
Right so, it’s UN Security Council voting on a ceasefire in Gaza time again and after 3 attempts to get such an resolution passed which demands an immediate ceasefire and with the US having vetoed this every single time, with the cost in innocent Palestinian lives those votes have been measured in, I can certainly appreciate this news being met with a great deal of scepticism, however this particular draft resolution for a ceasefire, is coming from the US itself and they are absolutely saying they are calling for an immediate ceasefire, but words matter, phraseology matters and when you actually look at what their resolution says, they are absolutely not calling for an immediate ceasefire, it is yet another fudge, primarily designed to my mind, to get the US itself off the hook for charges of complicity, whilst basically remaining complicit.
Right, a little clip there from America’s second biggest cheerleader for Israel after Genocide Joe himself, the Secretary of State Antony Blinken last month criticising Russia for having blown parts of Ukraine, with special mention for schools and hospitals and blowing them to rubble being not normal. Well, I’m very much still waiting for you to say likewise about Israel, but I won’t hold my breath, it does very much expose the double standards on show here however and the exceptions the US along with other nations keep making for Israel right now.
And so that brings us onto this draft resolution that the UN Security Council have voted on today, brought by the US, they say, calling for an immediate ceasefire linked to the release of all hostages held by Hamas. Except it doesn’t:
So the US draft resolution bill didn’t actually call for an immediate ceasefire, it called for the imperative of an immediate ceasefire. So it wasn’t in and of itself calling for a ceasefire, just that a ceasefire needs to come soon and that this imperative, for that is all this resolution was, was contingent on the release of hostages. So, the hostages must be released in order for there to be a ceasefire then? Following up with supporting all diplomatic efforts to achieve a ceasefire also isn’t calling for one immediately. So what is different about this position now compared to the US position before, where things must go Israel’s way because this is surely a con? The US position on a ceasefire hasn’t actually shifted, they’ve just tried to use clever verbage to imply that it has. Well the UN Security Council wasn’t having any of it, so why should we?
To my mind this is the US trying to get itself out of a legal wrangle, because by putting forward a resolution which the mainstream media have dutifully reported as calling for a ceasefire, the US can point to this as their attempt to get a ceasefire, therefore cannot be complicit in the genocide that continues each and every day that there is not a ceasefire. This is the US government not thinking about Gaza, not thinking about the destruction, the genocide, this is them thinking about themselves.
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Hi, I’m Damien Willey. I’m a former welder, but now I’m a writer, blogger, vlogger and presenter and interviewer with Socialist Telly (Please do go and visit what we all get up to on )
I’m an unpaid carer for my disabled wife and daughter and as such we know all too well the difficulties that associated with that living in Tory Britain and I personally believe the answer lies in socialism.
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