Дзьмітры Даўгалёў, Уладзімір Пецюкевіч “Пажадай мне, мама“

Dzmitry Daugaleu, Uladzimir Petyukevich “Wish me, mom”, arranged by Nina Gordon soprano: Wanda Procyshyn baritone: Martin Pergler violin: Uladzia Šamiećka cello: Nina Gordon piano: Alexandra Golod video: Alex Korolkevitch sound: Mikhail Rykov #StandWithUkraine The war against Ukraine started by Putin shocked the world. There is no excuse or reason that could even remotely justify these actions. It is especially devastating to people who have roots in Central and Eastern Europe. We stand with You, Ukraine, and believe that the people of Ukraine will prevail in this fight for Freedom. Glory to Ukraine! These Belarusian songs are performed by Canadian musicians with connections to Central and Eastern Europe and their hearts with Ukraine. ---- Вайна супраць Украіны, распачатая Пуціным, шакавала свет. Няма ніякіх апраўданняў або прычын, якія маглі б хоць аддалена апраўдаць гэтыя дзеянні. Гэта асабліва жахліва для людзей, якія маюць карані ў Цэнтра
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