Final Circles | NA/EMEA Pro League Split 2 Match Day 1 | Apex Legends

Split 2 has finally kicked off! After some of the biggest changes in ALGS history, how will teams adapt to their new rosters? How will the new POI draft system change the way pros play the Apex Legends Global Series? Find out in this final circles video! Featuring your favorite teams such as Falcons, TSM, Spacestation Gaming (SSG), Tripods, Oxygen Esports, NRG, Luminosity Gaming (LG), GaiminGladiators, NextUp, Passion, Vexx, Aurora, Natus Vincere (NAVI) and many more! Timestamps: 0:00 - EMEA Match 1 1:32 - EMEA Match 2 2:42 - EMEA Match 3 4:08 - EMEA Match 4 4:56 - EMEA Match 5 5:50 - EMEA ...Match 6 6:35 - EMEA Series Results 6:45 - NA Match 1 7:42 - NA Match 2 8:45 - NA Match 3 10:05 - NA Match 4 11:10 - NA Match 5 12:38 - NA Match 6 14:20 - NA Series Results Compete in the Apex Legends Global Series: Subscribe now: Follow the Apex Legends Global Series on socials for more action: Twitter: #algs #apexlegends #apex
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