David Binder: The arts festival revolution

David Binder is a major Broadway producer, but last summer he found himself in a small Australian neighborhood, watching locals dance and perform on their lawns — and loving it. He shows us the new face of arts festivals, which break the boundary between audience and performer and help cities express themselves. PHOTO CREDITS for David’s 2012 TED Talk: Minto: Live — Sydney Festival 2011 3 Courtesy of Lone Twin 4 Courtesy of Lone Twin 5 Courtesy of Lone Twin 6 © Pekka Mäkinen 7 © Amrit MacIntyre 8 Courtesy of Lone Twin 9 © Pekka Mäkinen 10 © Pekka Mäkinen 11 © Pekka Mäkinen 12 © Pekka Mäkinen 13 © Pekka Mäkinen 14 © Pekka Mäkinen The Mahabharata 16 © Image Entertainment Einstein on the Beach 17 Spaceship © Lesley Leslie-Spinks 2012 De La Guarda 21 Courtesy of De La Guarda Sleep No More 22 © Alick Crossley 100% — Rimini Protokoll 23 100% Berlin, © Barbara Braun, courtesy of Rimini Protokoll 24 100% Karlsruhe, © Jochen Klenk, courtesy of Rimini Protokoll 25 100% Köln, © Sandra Then, courtesy of Rimini Protokoll 26 100% Köln, © Sandra Then, courtesy of Rimini Protokoll 27 100% Köln, © Sandra Then, courtesy of Rimini Protokoll 28 100% Karlsruhe, © Jochen Klenk, courtesy of Rimini Protokoll 29 100% Köln, © Sandra Then, courtesy of Rimini Protokoll Grown-Up School (Daily Life Series Part 4) 32 LIFT Brecknock Primary School, London 1999 Photograph: Andrew Whittuck Roam — a National Theatre of Scotland and Grid Iron production 33 Photo by Richard Campbell, courtesy of National Theatre of Scotland Urban Dream Capsule 34 Photo courtesy of Small Metal Objects, Back to Back Theatre 36 Photo by Berni Sweeney, courtesy of Back to Back Theatre 37 2009 Time-Based Art Festival. Photo: Carole Zoom, courtesy of Portland Institute for Contemporary Art 38 Photo by Jeff Busby, courtesy of Back to Back Theatre 39 Photo by Prudence Upton, courtesy of Back to Back Theatre 40 © Richard Termine Royal de Luxe 42 © Carsten Siegel, 43 © Flickr user Mlle Jordan 44 © Carsten Siegel, 45 © Carsten Siegel, 46 Photo by Flickr user sw77, licensed by creative commons 47 The Sultan’s Elephant produced by Artichoke with funding by Arts Council England and the Mayor’s Office of London, photo by Matthew Andrews 48 The Sultan’s Elephant produced by Artichoke with funding by Arts Council England and the Mayor’s Office of London, photo by Matthew Andrews 49 © Carsten Siegel, 50 The Sultan’s Elephant produced by Artichoke with funding by Arts Council England and the Mayor’s Office of London, photo by Matthew Andrews 51 Photo by Flickr user sw77, licensed by creative commons 52 The Sultan’s Elephant produced by Artichoke with funding by Arts Council England and the Mayor’s Office of London, photo by Sophie Laslett 54 The Sultan’s Elephant produced by Artichoke with funding by Arts Council England and the Mayor’s Office of London, photo by Matthew Andrews 55 The Sultan’s Elephant produced by Artichoke with funding by Arts Council England and the Mayor’s Office of London, photo by Sophie Laslett 56 The Sultan’s Elephant produced by Artichoke with funding by Arts Council England and the Mayor’s Office of London, photo by Matthew Andrews 57 The Sultan’s Elephant produced by Artichoke with funding by Arts Council England and the Mayor’s Office of London, photo by Matthew Andrews 58 The Sultan’s Elephant produced by Artichoke with funding by Arts Council England and the Mayor’s Office of London, photo by Sophie Laslett TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world’s leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design — plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more. Find closed captions and translated subtitles in many languages at Follow TED news on Twitter: Like TED on Facebook: Subscribe to our channel:
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