How Mortdog became the Lead Designer for TFT, his favorite memories, and what fans think of Set 5
Last night I sat down with Riot Mortdog, the lead designer for TFT. We talked about a myriad of topics, including how he started working for Riot, his favorite TFT memories, and how fans have reacted to the most complicated Set mechanic yet.
00:00 - Introductions
0:56 - How did you become a game developer?
3:08 - How did your past experience help you develop TFT?
6:50 - How has the TFT team changed since launch?
8:04 - What is it like to be such a visible developer?
11:06 - Have you always wanted to cast?
13:24 - Thoughts on the competitive scene?
17:00 - How have people responded to the release of Set 5?
18:39 - Were Set 4 and Set 5 designed to fit together?
21:45 - What is your favorite champion you’ve designed, and what is your favorite comp?
25:30 - What is your favorite TFT memory?
28:20 - Shoutouts and Outro
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