This is a machinima based on the video game “Yuha’s Nightmares“, in which the player wanders through the glitchy corridors of a high-rise apartment building. Yuha’s Nightmares is a simulation game about the nightmares of a character named Yuha, the virtual twin of game creator Yuliya. It is a personal project of artist Yulia Kozhemyako, based on her real dreams. The author uses specific artistic means of real-time 3D graphics to express feelings, states of consciousness, and to narrate in the game. Yuha’s Nightmares use glitches, stuck in textures, unexpected collisions with objects, and wireframe materials to convey the nightmare dream condition. In the game, you can walk around a level in inappropriate places, walk through walls, and move unexpectedly from one place to another. The game, like a dream, is often out of the player’s control.
The plot of this machinima resembles one of the nightmares in the game, but does not repeat it literally. It focuses on exploring the strange
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