Pat Hegu point

Specific exercise improve symptoms, daily full-body exercises remove root causes. 1. Improve constipation. 2. Facial beauty, whitening. At least 200 times a day. This is Hegu point, which belongs to the large intestine meridian. The large intestine and the lungs are part of the same system. The large intestine is responsible for water absorption, and the lungs are responsible for distributing water to the skin. Stimulation of Hegu point can improve large intestine and lung function and relieve constipation. According to traditional Chinese medicine classics, after middle age, especially women’s faces will become yellow and lose luster, which is caused by the loss of energy from the meridians of the large intestine and stomach. Stimulation of the Hegu point can transport blood and water to the face, helping to beautify the face and maintain water. The body is an intelligent system, we must learn to use it properly
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