共青團員之歌 Komsomol Song [Komsomolskaya] — 亞洲愛樂合唱團 | 中蘇友誼 | ⦇EN CC⦈

《共青團員之歌》(亦稱「共青團員」、「共青團員送行曲」、「共青團員的告別」)是蘇聯衛國戰爭勝利後廣為流傳的一首歌曲。《共青團員之歌》被很多人誤認爲前蘇聯列寧共產主義青年團的團歌,其實它是衛國大戰勝利後的一九四七年由伽里契作詞、索洛维约夫⸗谢多伊作曲創作的,最初是爲話劇《路途的起點》譜寫的插曲。話劇講述了共青團們在反法西斯戰爭中的大無畏的犧牲精神,謳歌了艱苦卓絕的衛國戰爭中蘇聯人民絕不向敵人屈服,保衛家園、熱愛和平的心聲。 在上世紀五十年代中蘇友好時期,蘇聯專家、軍事顧問遍及所有的重點工程的工地和軍事院校,在與蘇聯人民的友好交往中這首歌曲傳遍了大江南北,幾乎成爲當時每一個中國新青年都會的歌曲,演唱這首歌曲也成了當時年輕的中共黨員和青團員聯歡的首選歌曲之一。 The Komsomol Song (Russian: Комсомольская; Komsomolskaya), known in China as the “Song of the Communist Youth League” (Chinese: 共青團員之歌; Gòngqīngtuányuán zhī gē), was written in 1947 for the Soviet WWII commemorative film “Starting Point”. Contrary to popular belief, it is not the official song of the USSR’s All-Union Leninist Young Communist League (Komsomol). The song is perhaps even more popular in China than in Russia (or the USSR for that matter). It is a staple in the Chinese Communist Youth League’s songbook, and is frequently featured in patriotic performances and productions. __________ Medium: @mroldmayer Instagram:
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