Akkerman / Білгород-Дністровська фортеця
The fortress of Akkerman is located on a promontory inside the estuary (liman) of the Dniester River, some 15 km from the point where the river enters the Black Sea. With a circumference of over 2 km, an area of 9 hectares, double walls, a ditch 13 m. deep, and 30 towers still standing (see google map and fortress plan), it is one of the most remarkable architectural and cultural monuments of the Black Sea region.
4 years ago 00:05:38 1
Akkerman fortress in Belgorod Dnestrovskiy. Sky video HD. Фортеця в Білгород Дністровську
4 years ago 01:08:36 12
Cepasa Live / Akkerman Fortress
4 years ago 00:02:33 2
7 years ago 00:02:50 1
Akkerman fortress
7 years ago 00:01:01 1
ᴴᴰ Amazing Aerial Drone Footage Of LOMACHENKO shadow boxing on top of Akkerman fortress! 🇺🇦🥊
8 years ago 00:01:30 1
The Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi fortress or Akkerman fortress
9 years ago 00:01:43 12
MX3 Round of Ukraine 2013 - Riders visit old fortress in town Belgorod-Dnestrovskiy -- Motocross
9 years ago 00:01:48 3.1K
ФОРТЕЦІ та ЗАМКИ УКРАЇНИ з висоти пташиного польоту UKRAINE Fortresses and castles #Замок #Фортеця #Україна #Історія_UA
10 years ago 00:04:49 3
10 years ago 00:03:22 6
Затока 2014 (Часть 2) Белгород-Днестровская крепость (Аккерманская крепость) (Gerasimov S.K.)