American Idolatry (Part 1) - Idol Worship in Sports, Entertainment, & Politics (Podcast 4)
AMERICAN IDOLATRY - New Truth Hurts Podcast Series.
We are discussing how our American Culture normalizes Idol Worship and makes it out as clean innocent fun.
Our rituals are just a repackaged version of the Egyptian, Greek, Roman, & Babylonian pagan culture. In the same way that they immortalized their leaders as god’s, we immortalize and deify our Athletes, Celebrities, and Politicians.
The pagan cultures would deify people such as Osiris, Isis, Tammuz, Apollo, Venus, Aphrodite, Cupid, Ishtar, etc. Today we deify people such as Michael Jordan, Donald Trump, Taylor Swift, Brad Pitt, Jay Z, Kim Kardashian, Beyoncé, and Barrack Obama.
We devote our time, money, and energy to our favorite public figures and sports team over and above the Most High God and His Son who died for our sins. We listen and obey their words over and above the word of the Most High God.
As Ecclesiastes 1:9 states - “That which was will be again, what has been done will be done ag
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