Hello All!
Let us present you with the first, true YLLGEN single: The Root.
Visuals: Dark Tone Media, Wojciech Mszyca
Track: recorded at @NO FEAR RECORDS, Krzysztof Leon Lenard
Special thanks to @Aeroklub Gliwicki for hosting us!
Z dumą prezentujemy pierwszy singiel YLLGEN: The Root.
Obraz: Dark Tone Media, Wojciech Mszyca
Ścieżka: zarejestrowana w NO FEAR RECORDS , Krzysztof Leon Lenard
Specjalne podziękowania dla Aeroklubu w Gliwicach za gościnę!
Lyrics / Tekst:
I cannot stand the way it looks me in the eye
The root of my all failures hanging on the wall
Reflecting in the mirror, always mocking me
Can’t broken glass destroy what I could never be?
What I... could never be!
The mirror’s broken now but still reflects my past
The shame and disappointment have survived, they last
Eternity, that’s how it all feels in my head
The ticking of the clock continues, I’m awake...