Mountains Talk Back (Stephen James Taylor)

Mountains Talk Back had its premiere 6-16-24 at a Microtonal University concert. It represents a dialog of sort between man and nature. This 5 movement piece (11 minutes total) represents the first classical composition to be written for the Infinitone Sax. Using a scale of 128 notes per octave (overtones 128-256) it is performed by its inventor, Subhraag Singh. In movements 2 and 4 the piece makes extensive use of Singh’s Infinitone microtonal software, as well as that of Marcus Satellite’s “Wilsonic “ program enabling a new way of producing massive glissandi and phrasings that are “pan systemic”. Also used fresh controllers like The Netherblade and the Starrlabs Microzone. Rather than try to explain much more just give it a listen and I will look forward to the comments anyone cares to leave.
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