The Romanian name for gentle fairies who play an important part in local folklore, also used to designate the Galium verum or Cruciata laevipes flowers. Under the plural form Sânziene, the word designates an annual festival in the fairies’ honor. Etymologically, the name comes from the Latin Sancta Diana, the Roman goddess of the hunt and moon, also celebrated in Roman Dacia. Diana was known to be the virgin goddess and looked after virgins and women. She was one of the three maiden goddesses, Diana, Minerva and Vesta, who swore never to marry.
Hora Drăgaicelor
Noaptea Sânzienelor,
Între cer şi pământ...
Iubite de Lună şi vânt,
Plutesc peste plaiuri...
Alaiuri de zâne cântând.
... din razele Lunii,
Din florile-alese
Proaspăt culese...
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Soarele şi Luna... de-or purta cununa...
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8 months ago 00:03:24 1
VIA DACĂ | PAPARUDA | Dansul Sânzienelor | Anca-Roxana
1 year ago 00:04:15 1
Betty - Noaptea Sanzienelor | Videoclip Oficial
4 years ago 00:03:39 1
4 years ago 00:03:49 1
Sânzienele. La Portile Soarelui *** Gheorghe Zamfir - pan flute music